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      Get The Payday Loan You Need. Fast.

      Rates and Fees is a lender matching service and not a loan provider. As such, does not make any credit decisions and cannot provide applicants or borrowers with information in any form on the rates, fees, or other details associated with any lending products or offers furnished by lenders matched through this service. takes the borrower’s experience seriously and strives to work with lenders who adhere to international, state, federal, and any local regulations or laws. Additionally, the lenders should work hard to offer fair and unbiased credit practices and follow the highest standards of the industry. 

      It is important for borrowers to understand that short-term loans are intended to be used sparingly as a way to overcome temporary financial instability. These loans can become more and more expensive over time, as they are stacked, or if used with impunity. These types of loans are typically associated with higher than average rates, fees, and additional charges. 

      This is why the industry is so strictly regulated at the local, state, and federal level. Additionally, there are multiple organizations that work to create guidelines and regulatory procedures for this industry to ensure proper growth and good experiences for borrowers. provides our website’s users with resources and pertinent information to help create a thorough understanding of the industry, lending options, and how to have the best experience in short-term lending. To increase your understanding, we recommend reviewing the following information provided by the Federal Trade Commission. You can find additional information from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. These two government entities create and enforce the laws that guide short-term lending policies and protect borrowers from unfair, biased, and deceptive lending practices. 

      Regarding protection from biased lending, multiple states have written and enforced state-wide regulations that work in tandem with federal law. Each state may govern these terms which include, but are not limited to, maximum loan amounts, loan charges, guidelines regarding renewals, and other specifications regarding fees and penalties. For full and thorough information regarding the regulations in your state, please see this and this. Regulations can change at any time, so be sure to check out local laws each time you apply for a loan. 

      Some states ban short-term loans. Some of these states are Arkansas, Vermont, West Virginia, and New York. The laws of these states can change without notice, so research your state’s laws on the above websites before applying for a loan.